my journey starts today

my journey starts today

Monday, September 16, 2024

history is multidimensional


History is multidimensional . most of the history is written from the point of view of the kings . the layers of the society have multiple perspectives . ruins tell the history from another angle and the creation from its opposite angle . the mix of the culture defines the future to a new dimension.

The core point differs the history and the assimilation point extends a new culture into it.

Look at the Indian perspective. Today it’s a mix of religious culture. Language culture. Political accession culture mix. Every thing is imbibed with clasted with multiplicity.

Pick the language it may be divided into words ,lipi , intonation and most importantly the styles the embellishments , the way of speaking , the way of writing, the style of writing .

Language is never the computerized type it has the feelings the emotions the culture of time. this imbibes the language and coverts into expressions. Language is the most profound way of exchange of our emotions , feelings .  it not only converts the feelings but also deliberates the purpose. Icha gyan kriya. Is the components we can separate in a linear fashion. It involves when three combine. Moves into expression.

They say language is a liquid it flows makes ways to comforts and useful purposes.

When ramcharitmanas was created it entirely set a new standard for way of life of the cardinals and masses . it’s a different dimension of history that a person became the persona and changed the history and its various dimensions without being a king , without  making an accession.

When budha traveled it changed the history of many countries and made a pathway for coming future . again he was not a king , rather he was a born king but disserted the kingship  . in india he is an avatar of the supreme god.

Let me say lets find out the history from the different perspective that is not forced directly or indirectly by the kings.

The history that was prospered by the strikingly different thoughts.

The history that was created by the human intelligence and not the animal fights.

People accepted it in their lives because of its freshness and the positive changes that made the lives happy and better.

They believed it because it gave a way of life to a different goal as well as life itself.

Samrat ashok left away the life of usual kings and today india still respects him with employing the ashok stambh as the highest symbolic of India that to be purported with towards the world.

Do we need to revisit history in this perspective so that the lives of humankind and in turn of all the creatures have the better life at least a chance to a better life?

Do we learn from the history?

We need to. Actually .

Today we can.

We have the access to the whole world.

We can reach. We can reach without loosing time.

The world today is balanced on a pinhole that is weapon and power of weapon and the might .

Revisiting history may make the changes to make it simple.

There is duplicity in the icha gyan kriya.

People who say its not possible, only believe in the animal might. They do not probably know the power of humanity human mind.

We are different.

We can rise above the animals. We did.

Revisiting history in this perspective may make a change. That the world really needs.

So there is an end to the so called “peace talks” forever.

We pair the footsteps of three different thinkers on the timestamps and also being on the teller of the parallel history. So that we can get the changes that occurred in the same time, but were left without attention.

We reiterate along with the same story that has been told from the viewpoint of the kings and the kingspin.

Lets ask ourselves few questions first of all

Why we are on the brink of pandemics despite the growth of science to the fullest extent and the support that we have been giving to the faith of these science.

Why after the so many decades we could not resolve the hunger problem.

Why there have been so many cults and Cummins despite the relative theory of freedom.

There is a mismatch in the theory and practice as we have been following the route of the present history.

We need a change in the perspective of the history. We learn that the culture route is the better route.

the regime that prosper the present does not create peace it only maintains truce.

Thoughts are nobler than the power itself.

Temples tempt me to the extent of awe in the jaws.

Ramayan was translated and created with vernacular versions on a vast plateau. Ramakina, ramayan,

It will be an interesting subject to find out how the Ramayana spread in all over the asia from centuries.

Thailand , myanmar burma, Indonesia, japan, china, khmer. Etc.

History will be talked in a different perspective. Globally it has been a lot of mass for centuries and the world we see today is not built by those who recite history.

We have made the world compulsorily look from the perspective of power and if we buy a second thought or priority then it will be economics. What we have neglected is that the rest of creature world does not always depend on this. Especially for the human there are examples that without these two there is a multitude of the human race that is not connected to these but they are all victims of these two perils.

If we go into history then after the wars many countries had become completely bankrupt. It was this multitude of human race who constructed the world. But history does not look seriously into it. It creates a hero and then abides by that hero. Let’s say if there would not have been the discovery of atom bomb then there was a serious problem that would have sustained for longer period and then the world would have been entirely different.

But historians have abided by this and did not create the world in a different perspective.

Now today if an impatient country raises the war and breaks the truce the entire world will the same history repeated but in a rather greater skill. There will be a multitude if at all this survives any people, who will again toil for decades to create a peaceful world again.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

भाषा एक तरल पदार्थ है।

यह समय के साथ ढाल उतारती जाती है।
संस्कृत पिघली पाली प्राकृत गढ़ी गयीं। फारसी से हिंदवी , उर्दू

दूसरी के साथ मिल कर प्रकृति बदलना आम बात है। जो पकड़ कर बैठे 

हैं , उन्हें समझना होगा कि तरल ही उसके जीवित रहने की ग्यारण्टी है। 

जिन भाषाओं ने कड़ा ठोस मैटेलिक रुप धारण किया वो मृतप्रायः पड़ी 

हैं , दुसरीओं से जीवनरक्त मांग रही हैं। 

हमारा बच्चा ही सबसे अच्छा है , ये तो स्वाभिमान हो सकता है पर वह दूसरे बच्चों से मिलेगा तो बिगड़ ही जाएगा इस भरोसे की भैंस पाड़ा ही जनती है । इतिहास इसका गवाह है। 

Is God complete

God is all pervading for reason that if the God is separate than us, it creates a separate identity and that creates the difference of qualities. because of this there comes the concept of the incompleteness because if its not us then difference can only be because of the qualities. if all the qualities match then there is no difference. if the qualities differ the concept of incompleteness enters. 

we then live on the same platform that we have some qualities and the god has some qualities. and we both do not have some. 

incompleteness shows the poorness in those qualities that differ with us. that means we are better than the god in those qualities. it means we have some things that the god does not have . 

it also generates the concept of limitation. the god is limited if he does not encompass us & all.  

Monday, July 28, 2014

कम्फर्टेबल लगता है तो भगवान बदल देते हैं।

अब हम सब मोदी के पीछे नहा धो के पड़ गये हैं । वैसे ही जैसे वी पी सिंह , राहुल और सचिन के पीछे लगे थे। हमें कोई न कोई तो चाहिए ही , पूजा के लिए। हम किसी न किसी को तो गॉड बनाते ही हैं , भले ही टेम्परेरी ही हो। और बस हम अपनी अर्जियोँ की थप्पियाँ लगाने लगते हैं।  बस , फिर वो गॉड चीखता पुकारता रहे , हम अपना राग आलापते रहते हैं.
हम पहले भी करते आए हैं । बुद्ध और महवीर पूरी जिन्दगी समझाते रहे प्राप्तियों का कोई मतलब नहीं है। हमने बोलियाँ लगा लगा कर उन्ही की सोने की बड़ी ब़ड़ी मूर्तियाँ खड़ी कर दी है।
हमारी पुरानी आदत है पक्की और ठाठ है।
हम भगवान की नहीं सुनते उसको अपनी सुनाते हैं। कम्फर्टेबल लगता है तो भगवान बदल देते हैं।

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

about Indore: investor meet

about Indore: investor meet: next week investor meet at Indore, and guess what Indorians are planning. just as usual , real estate , what else. which big group i...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

* An Indian in Pittsburgh - पिट्सबर्ग में एक भारतीय *: 1857 की मनु - झांसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई

* An Indian in Pittsburgh - पिट्सबर्ग में एक भारतीय *: 1857 की मनु - झांसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई: . मणिकर्णिका दामोदर ताम्बे (रानी लक्ष्मी गंगाधर राव) (१९ नवम्बर १८३५ - १७ जून १८५८) मात्र 23 वर्ष की आयु में प्राणोत्सर्ग करने वाली झांसी...